Mortgage Application

Boost your credit score

Boost your credit score

Improve your chances of first-timer buyer mortgage success.

If you are planning to buy your first property, one of the initial steps is to apply for a mortgage. This process requires an assessment of your creditworthiness by lenders. When they carry out their assessment, it will include an evaluation of your credit report which details all the information on how you have managed credit in the past, including late or missed repayments.

First-time buyer success

First-time buyer success

Many first-time buyers hope to make this year the year they get on the property ladder, thanks to the increasing availability of 95% mortgages. But while there are higher numbers of suitable mortgages available, there’s no guarantee you’ll be approved. To improve your chances, here are five of our top tips.

Can I obtain a mortgage if I'm self-employed?

Can I obtain a mortgage if I'm self-employed?

High street lenders tend not to offer mortgages to the self-employed, contractors and freelancers without considerable paperwork and delay, so finding the right mortgage lender for your circumstances can be daunting.

There are around 4.8 million self-employed people in the UK, many of whom mistakenly think their irregular income or lack of three years’ worth of accounts means they automatically don’t meet the requirements for a mortgage. But this is not the case. If you’ve been put off from applying, it might be time to reconsider.

Mortgage Options

Mortgage Options

Selecting a mortgage is a difficult decision that you’ll need to think about carefully. In our latest Blog - Mortgage Options, we’ve put together the main different types of mortgages, so you know exactly what you’re looking for.